My Five Priorities

Justice, Efficiency, and Commitment

Michele Coffman understands the importance of addressing key issues, working hard, and being accessible as a judge. As your Circuit Court Judge, she is dedicated to:

Conservative Values & Experience: I’m not a politician, but I uphold my Christian Republican values, and I bring my 23 years and 1,500+ cases of experience to Circuit Court. This role is not a stepping stone for me, and Circuit Court is where I plan to stay. I’ve brought cases before Circuit Court my whole career, and I believe I’m the most qualified person to carry on the legacy of Judge Marie Williams, who presided honorably for 28 years.

Families & Children: I am committed to making our communities safer by being decisive in family disputes where delays could lead to further harm to children. My exposure to the justice system began when I was 12 years old and had to testify in court in my parents’ divorce. In my courtroom, I will act decisively and swiftly where appropriate to help strengthen Tennessee families.

Efficient & Accessible: I will work to streamline court processes such as paperless filings and increase transparency to improve the overall judicial system. I’ll be an accessible judge and will work on local rules to assist in reducing the costs for individuals to litigate. I have an extreme work ethic, and I will always be accessible when court is out of session and after hours.

Kindness & Respect: I believe in treating others with kindness, respect and professionalism. I will respect others’ points of view, ensuring they are heard in my courtroom throughout the legal process. I’m driven by a strong set of beliefs – God and family come first, and I believe in showing love and compassion to all.

Ensuring Fair Trials: I will uphold the principles of due process and fair trials, ensuring that every individual receives a fair and impartial hearing. I will ensure your case is heard, and I will be a judge who listens to you. In my courtroom, you will feel like you have been heard.